Thursday, 3 December 2020

Looking Back

After a year like no other, it would be really easy to look back at 2020 and reflect on all the negative stuff that happened like the pandemic and lockdown, my dad's declining Alzheimer's or Travel coming to a halt etc. But instead I am choosing to look back and focus on all the positives that have happened despite 2020 being rubbish!

At the beginning of the year I had loads of learning to do with regards to starting a business and being a travel agent. I rediscovered my love of learning, which I thought had passed me by in middle age!

I then put my big girl pants on and joined a new networking group for ladies in business. This was something that was totally alien to me and I was terrified about it. I can honestly say, after the initial anxiety of going to the first event and introducing myself and my business, it is one of the best things I have done this year. I have made some life long friends and get so much support for all aspects of my life, not just my business.

Next came lockdown. which was a challenge for us all and also when we noticed a big deterioration in my dad and his Alzheimer's. But we got through it and now my lovely mum is a dab hand at online shopping, FaceTime and using a cash machine! I'm so proud of her.

Throughout lockdown I kept in touch and formed friendships with my new Travel-pa colleagues, enjoying weekly zooms with drinks (of which there were plenty), quizzes and even fancy dress. Again building friendships even though we have never met in person.

While I was doing training and travel webinars to increase my knowledge, I also had the idea to contact the editor of our local newspaper, the Grantham Journal, and asked if they had anyone who wrote a travel blog for them. The editor got straight back to me and offered me a regular travel column, which I have been doing every 4 weeks since July.

Writing the travel column and this blog made me remember how much I love to write and inspired me to write a poem about my dad and his Alzheimer's. I submitted it to Take a Break magazine and they published it.

I find my writing really helps with my anxiety and always keep a pen and paper on my bedside table.

I'm not afraid to admit how well I have done with my travel business, considering it's my first year and we are in the midst of a Global Pandemic. I've put loads of work into it and am very proud of what I've achieved.

Other great things from this year are my eldest niece turned 18 and passed her driving test first time. My twin nieces both passed their 11+ and started High school and they love it.

After being rejected for a job I had applied for back in September I now have a full time temporary job for the next 2 months.

So 2020 may have been dire but actually, looking back, I think I did alright.

Bring it on 2021!


  1. You are one amazing lady and I am so pleased to have met you and can now call a real friend. You should and deserve to be proud of everything you have achieved in some very difficult and challenging times, I am so proud of you, but I know the real best of you is yet to come!

  2. Wow what a year Lynne, I am so thrilled we met my lovely friend and I am so proud of you and all you have achieved. 2020 may have been tough, but you were tougher. You love of life, compassion for others and determination to leave things better than you found them are an inspiration. Bring on 2021 I can’t wait to see all you achieve, follow yourself dreams lovely you will make them come true x
