Monday, 9 August 2021

In Reality

Not everything we share on social media is a true reflection of what is really going on in our lives is it? For me it isn't anyway.

Recently, anyone looking at my social media posts will have seen me enjoy a weekend away in London with my best friends, living my best life, shopping, drinking cocktails and champagne and having lovely meals. Then spending the next 2 weeks celebrating a milestone birthday and getting thoroughly spoilt by my friends and family. In reality and what I don't show is the struggle myself and my family are having with my dad and his deteriorating memory as he lives with Alzheimer's.

I post lovely, smiley selfies of me and my dad, which are memories I will cherish, in reality, what I don't show, is my mum and I explaining something to him for the 5th time in an hour, or him losing his temper and crying like a toddler when he doesn't get his own way.

On my Facebook page I will share fabulous days out with my best friend. In reality I have spent all day checking my phone for messages because my dad has been admitted to hospital and I've been asked by the hospital to go and sit with him to try and keep him calm.

Check my Instagram stories and there will be pictures of fancy cocktails and posh food, when in reality I was on a night out without Gary because he needs to take care of his seriously ill father.

Look at my Linkedin page and I am raving about my latest networking event and all the lovely people I have met. In reality I have hardly slept the night before worrying about how my mum is coping with my dad and his volatile moods.

So when you are checking out someone's socials, before you feel envious or comment that they are spoilt, jammy or lucky (we've all done it!) please remember that everything is not always as it seems.

Be Kind.....

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