Friday, 3 July 2020

What a difference a year makes!

This time last year I was in a very different place. Actually the whole world was, but that's a whole other story.

I had been off work on and off for 18 months with my depression and anxiety and had some really dark days. I didn't know which direction my life was heading, which made me more anxious and depressed.

Then I came to the decision that I didn't want to go back to my job of 31 one years and actually wanted to go in a completely different direction. So I resigned and started my own Travel business. I came totally out of my comfort zone, travelled to Surrey for training and began to build my business and actually some bookings.

Then along came COVID-19 and the world closed, nobody could travel, the bookings I'd made either had to be rebooked or cancelled, commission had to be paid back. What was I going to do now? Was I going to spiral back into a depression?

Funnily enough I didn't. I sought support from a ladies business networking group that I'd joined call Love Ladies Business, we chatted on zoom every fortnight and exchanged thoughts and ideas.
I started socialising with my new Travel-pa family on weekly zoom catch ups, I hadn't met any of them in real life but look forward to our weekly drinks, chats and fancy dress shenanigans. They have all been so supportive of me and so generous with their time and advice.

In fact I was feeling so much better in myself that I started reducing my meds. First I went from 40mg Citalopram down to 30mg (under the advice of my GP) and after getting used to that I have managed to reduce them down to 20mg. My biggest issue was getting off the Quetiapine though, I'd been on that to help me sleep for over a year and already tried and failed to come off it. But this time I was determined, starting with only taking one every other night and then every 2 nights, until I was finally off them and managing to sleep. Not the full 8 hours but definitely getting there. And I am feeling so much better for it. No more wanting to sleep all day (and night) and my mind is clearer, (apart from the menopausal brain fog!)

So I have started putting all my time and energy into trying to make my business a success, getting my name out there on social media etc. Then one night I was lying in bed overthinking and I realised that I hadn't seen anyone covering travel in our local newspaper...maybe I could do that? I found the email address for the Editor and emailed her asking if she would like me to write a travel blog for the paper. I heard back from her the next day and she asked if I could send her a 350 word article for the Friday edition that week! I gladly did and am so happy to say I am now the Travel Columnist for the Grantham Journal.

I just want you to know that things do get better with time, and you are good enough. Believe in yourself as much as others do and look at what you can achieve.